"Imagine the Possibilities" Commencement Address, NYU Stern School of Business EMBA, Aug 5, 2017

Just over a decade after her graduation, Dr. Lee returns to the Stern School of Business to address the graduating EMBA class. She highlights the three fundamental lessons of business school that are transforming healthcare: (1) a relentless focus on the customer (patient), (2) competing on value, (3) realizing the full potential of the workforce. The full text is available here.

"Leading Change" Convocation Address, University of Hawaii School of Medicine, May 15, 2016

Building upon the themes of Simon Sinek's popular TED talk, How Great Leaders Inspire Action, Dr. Lee encourages the graduating class of the University of Hawai'i John A. Burns School of Medicine to reflect on the critical leadership roles they can play in transforming healthcare, because they know not only the why, but also the how and what to do. Read the speech here

Statement for Subcommittee on Labor, HHS, Education US House of Rep 2014

At the invitation of Representative Chris Stewart, Dr. Lee made a compelling case for the continued strong support for academic medical centers as vital to the future health of Americans, through biomedical research like the Utah Genome Project, training and sustaining the biomedical workforce, and the care of rural and underserved populations. Read her statement to Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies Committee on Appropriations – United States House of Representatives here.